Sunday 6 april

La Frappadingue

  • Running
  • Sporting event
  • Sports and recreation
Jetée Thiers, 33120 Arcachon
La Frappadingue is an extraordinary obstacle race: a course strewn with pitfalls, ladders, monkey bridges, nets to climb, tunnels to cross, mud and much more?

Over a course ranging from 5 to 12 km, some forty obstacles will challenge both seasoned sportsmen and sportswomen.
Every muscle will be put to the test, with the sole aim of being able to say: "I was there and I finished!
A crazy race with a crazy atmosphere for the first time in Arcachon!

Challenge S: around 15 obstacles

Opening times

On 6 April 2025


La Frappadingue
Jetée Thiers, 33120 Arcachon
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